Board Meeting

Board Meetings are open to all Association Members, residents, and invited guests.

The order of business conducted at the meetings is indicated in the Association's ByLaws.  A Member Forum is included on the agenda to give Members an opportunity to comment on matters concerning the Association.  While Member Forum is an agenda item, due to time constraints and meeting efficiency, Members are encouraged to submit their comments in advance.  If Members are unable to attend a Board Meeting, they may still submit comments at any time.  In addition, as a convenience to Members, minutes for all meetings are posted on the website.

Meeting attendees are encouraged to reference the policy resolution for Decorum and Conduct at Meetings, Functions and in Common Areas. This document provides additional meeting attendance guidance and helps the Association maintain a positive experience and atmosphere for all meetings and functions. 

Board meetings may be held electronic or in person. Please check the website calendar for meeting dates, times and locations.  For guidance on electronic meetings, please review the Electronic Meeting, Voting and Notice resolution.

Please remember to RSVP for all meetings you plan to attend.  This helps with planning, setting up, and with time management of the agenda.